
— v1.0.4  A Tracker-friendly FTP client for Haiku —

July 2016

FtpPositive gives you a window on the selected folder on your FTP connection, rather like a Tracker window in List mode. You can drag&drop files and folders between that and any open Tracker window. Navigate around the folders on the remote machine with mouse-clicks.

I am not the author of this app: Moroziro in Japan did it about ten years ago. I just tweaked it a bit for current Haiku, fixing some bad label widths, and aligning it with Tracker conventions. It even has its own icon now! English README added.

The downloadable packages below contain the following:

The executable file
Detailed usage instructions.
The current source (zip archive only; not in the hpkg)


You can download the package here:
ftppositive_1.0.4-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg — Haiku hpkg (no source — 195kB)
ftppositive_1.0.4.zip — Zip archive (source included -— 302kB)


                 Momoziro (2007)
                 Fixup by:
                                Pete Goodeve
                                Berkeley, California

                e-mail: pete@GoodeveCa.NET

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